Winterfest! Winterfest! Winterfest!
That's whats on everyone's mind as November approaches. And why wouldn't it be? Winterfest is without a doubt the most active, special events-enriched concentrated section of time throughout the calendar year here in the Smokies. Just the switching to Winterfest is two events to really look forward to.
In Pigeon Forge, Patriot Park on November 5th, 4:00 PM is the kick off to the Pigeon Forge Winterfest. Patroit Park has been Pigeon Forge's site for enormous and colorful outdoor activities for years and years and then some. The site will include the big switch, the Trolley Tour of Lights beginning immediately after, and entertainment before hand.
If you've never heard of the Trolley Tour of Lights, pull up a chair. The Trolley Tour of Lights is an easy favorite for many who visit the Smokies during the holidays annually. For $5 a person, the Trolley will host a city-wide tour of the million-dollar lighting displays every evening of the Winterfest - November 4th to March.
And by staying at Green Valley Motel, your trip to Patriot Park are the low end of single digit minutes. Heck, you only have to make three turns - one right to leave the motel, one right after the HHI and one more into Patriot Park (more turns depending on parking).
Don't miss out! Winterfest only happens once a year... for... almost a third of the year, but its still only once a year!